How do I share a specific photo or video in XOi Mobile?
1. Begin inside the workflow where the content was uploaded.
2. Tap View Content, under the Content section.
3. Tap Select in the top right-hand corner.
4. Tap the photo/video you would like to share. Blue check marks will appear. You may select multiples if you need to.
5. At the bottom of the screen you will see a share icon. Select this icon.
6. A sharing menu will appear allowing you to select how you want to share your job. Some examples include:
- Text Message
- Copy the link
- Any messaging application that shares using the native share for your device.
Whichever way you choose to share the content the reviewer will receive a link. When they click on this link it will show the job information and the content.
Additionally to sharing a specific photo/video, you can share a completed job. Learn here: How do I share a completed job?
Additional Information
The share link is a live link, meaning if you change the content you are sharing it will update without having to provide a new link.
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