How do I complete a job in XOi Mobile?
Roles Admin, Job/User Editor, Job Editor, and User have permission to perform this task.
Once you have completed all the requirements for the workflows associated with your job you are ready to complete your job. You can only complete jobs that you are the owner of.
You will know you have met all these requirements when the Complete Job button appears and is blue*.
Select Complete Job.
You will be prompted to confirm completion and select Complete.
After completion, you will see the job in the Completed Jobs section. You will have the ability to share this job.
Note: You may still edit jobs after finishing them by simply clicking the job in the Completed Job section and make your edits. If the job is no longer in the Completed Jobs section you can edit the job in XOi Web.
Additional Information
*If the Complete Job button has not appeared that means you have not added a workflow to your job. If the button does appear but is gray that means you have required workflow steps you have not completed or you have not pressed Finish Workflow on the associated workflow.
This process may change if you have an integration. Please contact your admin with questions.
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