How do I capture a photo or video in XOi Mobile?
The most common workflow step you will come across is adding a photo, video, or note to a workflow step. You will have the option to take live images/videos, upload previously saved images/videos from your devices, and provide a note through text or talk-to-text.
Access to fulfill these types of steps is all located within the + button to the right of the step.
Once you have selected the + button a menu will appear. You will have multiple options:
- Take Photo: This will open the camera function on your device allowing you to take a live photo. This photo will not save on your device.
- Record Video: This will open the video function on your device allowing you to take a live video. This video will not save on your device.
- Upload Photo from Gallery: This will pull up your photo gallery allowing you to pick previously taken photos on your device.
- Upload Video from Gallery: This will pull up your video gallery allowing you to pick previously taken videos on your device.
- Add Note: This will allow you to add up to 5,000 characters to provide the information being requested.
Once your content is added to the steps you can delete, share, and tag using the Content button.
Additional Information
- As soon as photos or videos are added to a job they will begin uploading in the background. Uploading content will never slow your workflow down no matter how slow your connection is.
- If one of your steps has a small, yellow star next to it it means that you must add a photo or video to that step before you can finish the workflow.
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