What is the difference between workflow tags and job tags?
Roles Admin, Job/User Editor, Job Editor, and User have permission to perform this task.
As you work through jobs and workflows in XOi you will notice two areas to add tags and may be wondering what is the difference between a Job tag and a Workflow tag.
The general definition of Tag: A keyword\phrase added to help make your job easily searchable in the future.
Job Tags
Found on the Job Details page, the keywords placed here should relate to the job itself. This can be key information about the job, customer, or type of job.
- Any tags manually added to the job will be in blue and can be removed.
All job tags are not viewable by the customer. They will only be available in the Entire Job Share link.
Workflow Tags
Found on the Workflow page, the keywords placed here should relate to the specific workflow you are working through. This can be key information about the equipment, the type of activity you are conducting in the workflow, or important information for your customer.
- No tags are automatically added to this area*.
- Any tags manually added to the job will be in blue and can be removed.
All workflow tags are viewable to the customer when they are given the Public Share Link.
Additional Information
*If you have an integration, tags may automatically be added to Job Tags. Please speak to your administrator for questions.
Not using AI Work Summaries? Here is how your workflow page may differ. AI Work Summaries: What changed on the Workflow page?
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