How do I remove a workflow from a job in XOi Mobile?
Roles Admin, Job/User Editor, Job Editor, and User have permission to perform this task.
A workflow is a step-by-step guide that will tell you what type of information to gather and in what format for each type of job you will encounter.
Sometimes you may need to remove a workflow from a job due to accidentally picking the wrong one initially or realizing the job will need a different workflow the further you get into the job.
Follow below to learn how to remove a workflow from a job.
1. Go to the Workflow Screen of the workflow you would like to remove.
2. Select the three dots in the top right-hand corner.
3. Select Remove Workflow.
4. If there is content in this workflow you will receive a blurb confirming you would like to remove the workflow. NOTE: The content in the workflow will be deleted and you will not be able to retrieve it in the future.
Once the workflow is removed you will be taken back to the Job Details screen where you can add a different workflow or complete your job.
Note: If you are a contributor on a job, you will only be able to remove the workflows that you are assigned to.
Additional Information
Not using AI Work Summaries? Here is how your workflow page may differ. AI Work Summaries: What changed on the Workflow page?
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