Can I edit a completed job in XOi Web?
Completed jobs may be edited in XOi Web at any point.
Admins, Job/User Editors, and Job Editors may edit any completed job. Users can only edit their completed jobs.
Completed jobs are located in the Job Activity tab, under Completed Jobs.
Select the blue title of the job you would like to edit.
If you edit an existing workflow the job will stay in the Completed Jobs section.
If you add a new workflow to the job a pop-up will appear after adding the new workflow.
The job will then move to the Incomplete Job section under Job Activity
The workflow will need to be finished and the Job will need to be re-completed. This can either be done in XOi Mobile or XOi Web.
Any changes made to a completed job will automatically update in shared links (Public and Entire). Anyone who received the link before the changes were made simply needs to reclick or refresh to see the updates—there’s no need to send a new link.
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