How do I add a job tag to a job in XOi Mobile?
Roles Admin, Job/User Editor, Job Editor, and User have permission to perform this task.
Job tags allow you to add keywords/phrases to your job to make it easily searchable in the future. The keywords placed here should relate to the job itself. This can be key information about the job, customer, or type of job.
Follow below to learn how to add them:
After the creation of your job, on the Job Details screen select the Pencil Icon to the right of Tags near the bottom of the screen.
From the Edit Tags screen tap on the field below NEW TAG and type the tag you want to add. You should add tags one by one. You can use letters, numbers, or special characters.
Tap '+' to the right of what you typed to add it to the job. You can add as many tags as you would like to any job.
Any tags manually added to the job will be in blue and can be removed. Simply select the x button next to the blue tag to remove it.
When you have finished adding tags tap the Save button in the upper right corner.
All job tags are not viewable by the customer. They will only be available in the Entire Job Share link.
Additional Information:
- If you are working with a FSM Integration you may have additional gray 'default' tags added to your job.
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