How to uninstall/reinstall the Vision Live plugin from your computer.
There are times when uninstalling and reinstalling the Vision Live plugin may be necessary if you are experiencing technical difficulties with Vision Live Desktop. These steps will walk you through the process of uninstalling and then reinstalling the plugin:
- Open the Control Panel
- Open "Programs and Features"
- Search for "npRTCCplugin" and right-click on it.
Note: If you have a newer version of the plugin installed, it will say "Sightcall."
- Select "Uninstall"
- If prompted for a confirmation, click "Yes"
Once you have uninstalled the plug-in, it is recommended that you reboot your machine. After restarting, log in to Vision and access the Vision Live Pro tab. It should automatically prompt you to reinstall the plugin.
If for any reason you do not receive a prompt to install the plugin, follow one of the links below:
Latest PC Plugin
Latest Mac OS Plugin
Additional Information
Please contact XOi Support with any issues or questions.
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