How do I reassign a job to another technician?
Admins, Job/User Editors, and Job Editors can reassign incomplete jobs to your technicians as needed with a few simple steps:
1. Go to Incomplete Jobs, under Job Activity, and search for the job you would like to reassign.
2. Select the blue title of the job to open.
**Note: Make sure the technician originally assigned to the job is not currently working on the job before reassigning.**
3. Select the three dots in the top right-hand corner of the job and select Reassign Job.
**Note: The job must have a workflow attached to the job before you can reassign. If the reassign button is missing, select edit job and add a workflow.**
4. Select the dropdown with the technician's emails and choose the technician you are reassigning the job to.
5. Select Update Job.
The job will be reassigned and shown in the new technicians' Incomplete Job area. The originally assigned technician will no longer see the job after refreshing their app.
Additional Information
This feature may not be available if you have an integration with an FSM. Please contact your Customer Success Manager with questions.
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